Although healthy food is, or should be, a human right, this is not a daily reality for billions of people. Choices collaborates with many partners from different angles to create improvements, step by step
The Choices mission is to help shaping national food systems to make the healthy choice the easy choice for consumers.
The food system is a complex and complicated thing. Changing it demands a variety of actions, honest collaboration and a long term commitment.
Choices wants to improve daily diets by guiding consumers to find healthier products, guiding industry to improve their products and collaborating with food & health authorities to shape effective nutrition policies.
The UN Sustainable Developments Goals are the global agenda for a sustainable future: a healthy planet with healthy people. The one cannot do without the other.
Choices is part of this global movement and has committed itself to the SDGs. Aiming at a healthier diet, Choices wants in particular to commit to three specific SDG targets.
Target 2.2, the ambition to end malnutrition in all its forms
Target 3.4, to reduce premature deaths caused by non-communicable diseases
Target 17.17, the engagement in public-private partnershiups as a means to reach the SDGs.