Jakarta, 6 September 2019 – Recently the Indonesian FDA launched a healthier choices logo that can be placed front-of-pack, to help consumers to find food products that are lower in fat, sugar and salt in their product group. First, it will be applied to beverages and instant noodles/pasta.
Nutrition labelling is an important tool to inform consumers on the nutrition composition of the food they buy and can also contribute to the prevention of lifestyle diseases. Therefore, the Indonesian FDA, BPOM, has presented two labelling innovations.
Firstly, the positive ‘tick’ sign “Pilihan Lebih Sehat” logo, which means healthier choices logo. To make it easy to find by consumers, the logo may be placed on the front of the package of food products that are healthier choices in their food group. This logo has a similar objective to the positive logos in other South East-Asian countries such as Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. This logo is also in line with Choices programme. It indicates products in each product group that have lower levels of sugar, salt and/or fat. The logo, which will be voluntary, will be widely used across all food categories. The application will start with beverages and instant noodles/pasta. These products are widely consumed but containing high levels of sugar, salt, and/or fat.
The goal of this logo is to educate consumers on which products are healthier. It will also challenge the industry to reformulate their products to be healthier, particularly concerning the levels of sugar, salt, and fat.
Secondly, BPOM issued instructions on the use of the front-of-pack GDA panel, that shows the quantity of energy, sugar, salt and fat in grams and as a percentage of the daily recommendations.