A model has been developed by Daphne van der Bend, that enables extensive and structural comparisons between different nutrition profiling systems and logos; the funnel model. In her latest paper, that just has been published, she used this model to analyze the similarities and differences of functional and visual aspects of the European logo initiatives currently in practice or in preparation. This analysis has been made upon request by the Fourth European Positive Logo Round Table (January 2018).
When analyzing the different positive labels present in Europe (Keyhole, Choices, Finnish Heart Logo, Slovenian Heart Logo, Healthy Life logo of Croatia), it appeared that they show a high level of similarity, as most of them use product group-specific criteria and give a positive signal to consumers. On the other side Nutri-score, the Multiple Traffic Light Scheme and the Israeli Warning Label are based on an overall criteria set and their communication message is either negative or a mix of positive and negative signals.
Often, when logo systems are compared, much attention is paid to the visual aspects of the logo itself. The methodology behind the logo deserves just as much, if not more, attention when choosing the optimal system for a specific application. The model describes the comparison based on 10 indicators, such as the purpose of the logo system, reference units and who is driving the logo program. It thereby provides a comprehensive tool to analyze the major characteristics to consider.
This study is published in the special edition of the journal Nutrients; “Front-of-Pack Nutrition Label and Public Health”.