The Global Nutrition Report's Country Nutrition Profiles brings together the latest data on child, adolescent and adult nutrition-related outcomes to identify the burden of malnutrition at the global, regional, sub-regional and country level. Global nutrition report (GNR) developed two impressive tools which provide insights on the burden of malnutrition in all its forms and on the progress made on the reduction of malnutrition:
1. Country Nutrition Profiles’ tool: provides latest data on child, adolescent and adult nutrition-related outcomes to identify the burden of malnutrition at the global, regional, sub-regional and country level. E.g. Nigeria is on course to meet their under-five-overweight goal, but the lack of available data prevents assessing other indicators of malnutrition. Indonesia also reported similar trends.
2. Nutrition for growth commitment’ tracking tool: shows the progress made thus far, to governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, the UN, donors and other stakeholders. E.g. Zambia, is on course for reducing chronic undernutrition by 50% in the next 10 years; This would translate as reducing stunting by 2 percentage points per year. The trend shows improvement in financial contributions from Government, there was not a yearly increase of at least 20% as planned. However, there was a significant increase in 2018 due to introduction of new food and nutrition budget lines across sectors.
These tools form a vital contribution in the fight against malnutrition, to keep track of the progress and hold countries and organizations accountable for their commitments. The lack of available data however may stretch the timelines.
Globally, every country is affected by malnutrition in some form or the other. To combat this, countries and organizations all over the world have made commitments to achieve the global nutrition targets.
For details of the report, visit the Global Nutrition Report resources page: